Category Archives: Uncategorized

Introduction to Heart Centered Meditation

Heart centered meditation is the easiest way to obtaining the stillness of presence that many of today’s spiritual teachers discuss as a goal on the spiritual path. Heart centered awareness begins to activate the frontal lobes of the brain and when working with this awareness during times of stress, then one can easily by-pass the...
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Violence and Transcendence- Part II

Once we have identified our culture as the force that drives human functioning out of its evolutionary process and back into old survival patterns, then the question is, how can we change the culture to assist with our evolution, individually and collectively?  In the past we have tried to change the culture through our political...
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Violence and Transcendence

The sun lowered itself below the horizon, bringing an end to another relaxing weekend at a lake resort. I left the convenience store and walked to my car, and within an instant a man with a rifle shoved an older woman and me into a boathouse. Looking into the man’s crazed and maniacal eyes, I...
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