
Men Apologizing to Women

On the eve of Mother’s Day, I came across a video, “Dear Woman, An Apology of Conscious Men to Women.” This video, based on a manifesto written by Gay Hendricks, PhD, and Arjuna Ardagh, was produced by I was astonished at the angry comments made by men from around the world in reaction to this video. As I scanned the comments, I noticed about 1 out of every 20 comments was favorable, and almost all the comments by men, and even by a few women, expressed rage. 


The manifesto is about the unconscious, undeveloped masculine’s abuse of power and control over the feminine (also unconscious) during the past millennium, and is an apology of the masculine to the feminine. The author attempted to recognize the sacredness and the power of the union of the conscious feminine and the conscious masculine, and the manifesto became a starting point for this movement. The reason for my astonishment was that I believed we were further along this road than was apparent in the reaction to the video.


As a woman, I felt a healing process occur within me as I watched the video. As a therapist and consciousness consultant, I also understood that the unconscious male has the unconscious female as the counter energy to project onto. I understand that, while the unconscious male has conflict with control and power, which are displayed in the world in such actions as war, abusive power struggles, actions taken from lack and greed, it is the unconscious female who believes in her powerlessness, worthlessness, and inability to have intimacy in her relationships who allows herself to be the screen for these projections.


The feminine is rising, and it is my belief that we are entering into a new world-paradigm shift that will take many, many years or centuries to occur.  This movement will involve people using a skill set different from, but including, the masculine attributes of logical and rational thinking, but also involving new skills of a feminine nature, such as intuitive listening, honoring nature’s natural rhythms and cycles, and the development of the heart.


For this movement of the feminine rising to occur, (the feminine will arise within both men and women), the women who are the most vulnerable now must stay present with this vulnerability, until a new inner strength and wisdom arises within. For many women, when they begin to find themselves vulnerable, they reach within themselves for their masculine traits, typically the unconscious, undeveloped masculine within themselves, and these women act from that place of power and control dynamics, which only contributes to the unconscious masculine dynamic as it is manifested out into our world.


This new movement of joining the best of the masculine with the best of the feminine can only start with the feminine, as it is the feminine that is currently the most vulnerable, while the masculine stays stagnant in its intoxication of power, control, and greed. The movement of bringing together the mature, conscious feminine into relationship with the mature, conscious masculine will result in more harmonious and creative resolutions of the problems occurring in our environment, world leadership, industry, national and local governments, work situations, families, and partner relationships.


The starting point is for those people who are able to become conscious of their own reactivity during moments of unworthiness, powerlessness, and feelings of a lack of control and safety, to begin to find some aspect within themselves that knows this is only an illusion. Then they can open their hearts to feel unconditional love for the self at its most vulnerable and allow a transformation of consciousness to occur that will propel them into this new state of being.


Maybe a time will come when a video of this nature will be looked upon as powerful and loving.

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