
Is It a Fairy Tale?

The programs on Red Ice are always thought provoking. I have to say the program on Hollywood Mind Control, August 30, 2012, took on a dark aspect of Hollywood trying to control or affect a girl’s growth into becoming a powerful woman. I disagree with Jamie’s analysis of conspiracy behind some of the Disney movies to disempower females due to depiction of the dark or evil personification of the mother archetype. Fairy tales prepare or provide a road map of the psyches journey into wholeness. The interpretation of the story line where the mother image is missing or depicted as evil, in my opinion describes the process the woman’s psyche goes through in order for transformation to occur, usually heralding in the arrival of the masculine aspect of her psyche and/or a larger, wiser feminine part.

For example, in the story of Cinderella, the feminine depicted by the evil stepmother and stepsisters serves to distance Cinderella or separate her from the Mother/Feminine aspect of her own psyche. The splitting of the Evil Mother, represented by the Stepmother and the Good Mother represented by the Fairy Godmother, is a process the psyche needs to occur before the young woman can bring in the aspects of her own wholeness into the Divine. Separation is necessary and sometimes occurs in unpleasant ways. The nuturing Mother aspect recedes (depicted by the death of Cinderella’s natural mother), then the splitting of good and bad mother, which provides an opening or space for a larger wisdom dimension to enter. In many cases, this is personified by a character that acts like a guide such as the Fairy Godmother in Cinderella. Also, in Cinderella, the Father is missing in her life, which provides an opening of the woman’s masculine to enter, who is represented by Prince Charming.

I agree that not all modern day movies or books contain the necessary elements of a transformational journey, nor do these stories transform the main character, but the story may actually depict some of the forces at collective levels that individuals are in relationship with. For example, in most of the vampire series, we see a relationship depicted of seduction to lust, promise of eternity (resolution to the fear of death), and power. The story becomes one’s relationship to these forces. In the recent vampire novels, there is no overcoming of these forces but a joining with through lover relationships. This is a continuation of being seduced by power, greed, and trumping death, but again this also depicts a necessary aspect of the psyches growth into individuation. In the case of the Twilight series, the stage of individuation is shown in the relationship the main character has with having a vampire as her lover. This depicts that the main character has an unconscious relationship with these forces. Again, these books can serve to drive the collective into romanticizing these forces…gathering an underlying energy before pushing the collective psyche into conscious awareness with greed, power and death.

For example, if this story were based in current day reality, the main character would easily be seduced by a Wall Street job that crosses the line of legality and takes advantage of others by being blinded by the money and material gains all in the guise of assisting society as a whole in achieving the American Dream. This may be an important journey when one is beginning to awaken to consciousness, the more enfolded into the darkness, the greater the light when the unconscious becomes conscious.

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