One of the more difficult understandings I have faced in my consciousness studies has been the question involving manifestation in everyday life. We manifest daily in our relationships, career and personal projects. When our manifestations are in alignment with our desires whether it is having a great relationship, great job, abundance of money, then we...
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Co-creating with Higher Consciousness
A friend of mine, Bo Hodiak, a retired journalist, wrote, “The Bible says Jesus could do no healings in villages where the people were hostile to him and did not believe. Spiritual work is not an exact science. There are too many variables. You may not believe in penicillin but the chances are it will...
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The Fine Art of Seduction
“Man must move out of a religious-passive and receptive condition into one of religious activity and creativeness.” - Nicolas Berdyayev
The above quote stimulates thought for me. There is something that people, who are destined to move in spiritual ways, get from being spiritually passive and receptive, otherwise they would not live their life in this...
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