
Healing Self and the Planet

I had an opportunity to experience a day of healing from a man who calls himself Braco. This healer does not speak during his 10-minute sessions, but gazes out over the audience and allows an energy of compassion and unconditional love to come through. This man, who appears very humble, does not give interviews, does...
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Projection to Awareness

I have been asked what is the most important tool to use in the awareness stage of my theory of Integrative Consciousness. I would have to say the use of projection. The psychoanalyst see projection as an ego defense mechanism and projection is used by an individual to defend coming into realization of something that...
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The Hero’s Journey

The Sumerians wrote the first story ever discovered. The Sumerians carved this story, dated at 2000 B.C., into a stone tablet. This story is about Queen Inanna and the psychological transformations she encountered to come into her own power and lead her people with wisdom. This story describes the stages of the inner journey one...
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