Category Archives: Uncategorized


I came across this Ted Talk from Brene Brown on vulnerability and how this quality of the human spirit can be the doorway into connectivity. For those who have read my book, "Apocalypse of the Mind" know that I speak often of vulnerability and the need to allow ourselves to be vulnerable to our fears...
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Consciousness Practice-The Truth of Who We Really Are

One of the most difficult challenges of consciousness practice is experiencing the truth of who we really are. This can be a humbling experience. When you work with projection, a process I cover in previous blogs, you encounter aspects of yourself by recognizing the projections onto others. Many of these projections you would insist are...
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Consciousness Practice-Making the Dark…Light

Enlightenment is not a matter of imagining figures of light, but of making the darkness conscious. – C. G. Jung How do we know when we have fallen asleep and forgotten the most important aspect of becoming more present? It is when we are not attending to the darkness that is within our consciousness. Darkness results...
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