Category Archives: consciousness study

The Hero’s Journey

The Sumerians wrote the first story ever discovered. The Sumerians carved this story, dated at 2000 B.C., into a stone tablet. This story is about Queen Inanna and the psychological transformations she encountered to come into her own power and lead her people with wisdom. This story describes the stages of the inner journey one...
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Understanding Projections

I have found that, in awareness and consciousness practices, once you recognize your projections and how many times you project, several things come into play. First, you begin to judge yourself for being so “messed-up,” so manipulative and deceitful. You don’t want to fall into the rut of thinking, “Okay, I will not allow myself...
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Free Will

Do we have free will?  This question has stimulated the thoughts and writings of philosophers across time.  What if most people do not have free will?  If we look at free will as the ability to make a decision during a point in time that is free of the outside influence of people, events, situations,...
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