
Seeing the World as Energy

A nice shift of perception regarding how we see consciousness is to look at everything as energy wave and vibration. Energy, in an elemental form is made up of atoms and therefore, it knows no light and knows no darkness as we interpret light and dark. It is just energy. It is when that energy...
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Spontaneity and the Creative Process- Part II

In the previous blog entry titled, “Spontaneity and the Creative Process- Part I”, I discussed how spontaneity functions only in the present moment, a time period I refer to as the creative moment. The creative moment is when time intersects with the unknown, vastness of consciousness, and the endless possibilities the creative individual can draw upon. An...
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Synchronicity and Manifestation Part I

Co-creating with life comes in its purest form when the mind is focused in the present moment. It is at this intersection of present time and free and focused will of the mind that new creative life results.   There are two times when we are not in the present moment—one is from living our karma, which...
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