
Response to the Riddle of Violence – Red Ice Radio

Violence, as is everything manifested, is an aspect of the Divine Sacred. I see violence serving as part of the separating principle. Just as the ego serves to separate, to gather knowledge and then to allow a process beyond ego that integrates into oneness with compassion and unconditional love, violence is a doorway to transcend beyond power and control. Violence, as John says, is an opportunity for individuals to ascend into True Power, and True Power to me is the ultimate goal of this time in human evolution. Even a judgement of someone, something or situation arises from a violent nature and is a violent act, albeit at the lower end of the spectrum of expression.
I disagree with John that the only way to stop predators is by lethal force. When you engaged at the level of the predator, you have now entered into the same power game and can only play by the power and control rules. When you resonate with the suffering of the predator or the victim, then you are on the way to transcend the power game, for it is impossible to desire to have power when compassion exists. A person can now engage the situation with a higher order set of rules, a greater connection to resource and the ability to manifest a different dance that is not one of power and control.

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