
Stillness of Consciousness

What is stillness of mind? In working with the practice of Integrative Consciousness, which includes the steps of awareness, acceptance and integration, the important aspect of the practice is to listen to your reactivity to people and situations. 

When you feel a strong emotion such as anger, frustration, hurt, or fear, then you are reacting to the situation or person as if the situation presents a threat to your sense of self. Many people believe they achieve a stillness state of consciousness when they feel nothing in reactivity to a situation. This is not stillness of mind, however. This is a lack of emotion or a depressed emotion. Stillness of mind is a quiet mind, with few extraneous thought processes, and with calm emotions, usually those of compassion and unconditional love.

I have witnessed people who present themselves as having achieved an enlightenment state or stillness of mind consciousness, when they have actually learned how to repress their emotions and they are not aware they have racing thoughts. They may judge another person, saying things such as, “You are too critical” or “You are too opinionated,” and believe they are only speaking the truth to the other person because they are experiencing no emotions associated with their statements.  But their comments carry great judgment, and their minds are not quiet in their declarations. 

Good practice when using the techniques of Integrative Consciousness requires being honest to yourself about who you are in the moment.

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