
Spontaneity in the Creative Process

Often individuals believe inspiration is the first step in the creative process and the phenomenon of spontaneity is ignored. Spontaneity is the readiness to act and creativity becomes the act itself. Spontaneity operates in the present moment, the here and now, and when it emerges it must be attended to or the moment is lost....
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Integrity with Practice

I have admired a well-known teacher of shadow work for her contribution in the field.  She tweets and promotes herself in her workshops, on Web sites, and in books, with statements such as, “Be liberated from your past and your shadow,” “Live your greatest dream,” and “Own your inspirational self” by confronting your shadow and...
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Multiple Aspects of Self

One of the more valuable concepts in exploring our vast psyches is to look at our mind as having many, many selves. When we begin to see each aspect as a different self within, then we have the ability to approach this self with objectivity of mind. Those aspects of selves reflect the child within,...
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